Thoughts // Cirque Du Misérables

Whenever I tell people
I am not happy
With what I look like
They always say
All you got to do is
Love yourself.

I always want to ask
Do you ever see
Your reflection staring back at you
Like how I see myself
No one would ever love you

Because all you are is kind
But not beautiful.

Thoughts // I’m sorry I smothered you

I’m sorry for promising I won’t leave.

I’m sorry for leaving.

I’m sorry for accidentally opening your text messages.

I’m sorry for reading every bitter word of your betrayal.

I’m sorry for searching her on Facebook.

I’m sorry for reading her tweets last Friday night, finding out you were with her when you said you were with your friends.

I’m sorry for asking you who she was.

I’m sorry for being jealous.

I’m sorry you smashed the vase.

I’m sorry you broke the window.

I’m sorry you wrecked my apartment.

I’m sorry you hit me.

I’m sorry you left marks of your fingertips on my neck.

I’m sorry I was dying.

I’m sorry you had to pay for the hospital bills.

I’m sorry for not telling you I went home to my mother.

I’m sorry you called me crying, saying you miss me

I’m sorry that you’re sorry.

I’m sorry for making you wait.

I’m sorry I’m not pretty today because of my black eye.

Thoughts // Poison

I just cracked the code.
Do you remember when people said that
When you fall in love,
You must take your brain with you
Because without the presence of mind, you’ll end up
Hurting yourself.

But no.
It’s really not the heart that leaves us broken
It’s our brains, actually
That hurt us.
Have you ever heard yourself say, ” I thought….”
You thought what? That you’re special?

You really think that each glance?
Each smile? Each word?
Means anything?
It’s only you. Who assumes. Who expects,
That there is something in the way you move
that will leave him breathless.

It’s not our hearts that tear us apart
It’s our minds
Who is doltish to think there is a chance
Suspended in sunbeam
Left tangled in the amidst of desperation.

You really think? You really wish?
Our thoughts are not facts.
I just cracked the code.
My brain, your brain
is slowly poisoning

// Beautiful artwork by len-yan //

Weather Advisory // For the people who want sex

Sex is still considered taboo in several countries, including mine. My opinion about the complicated way of human sexuality is just short and sweet.


For the people who enjoy having sex, there’s nothing to be ashamed about. It’s not a surprise that girls like to masturbate and have sex as much as boys do. So for the people who have an active sex life and isn’t embarrassed by it, good for you.

But since you think you’re mature enough to handle your body and another person’s body, you should know that sex is also equal to responsibility. Responsibilities are often times forgotten so here are some of what I think you should always consider.

  1. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Buy condoms, pills and other effective contraceptives. If both you and your partner aren’t financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually stable, taking care of a baby shouldn’t be part of your to-do list.
  2. If you’re in a committed relationship with your partner, having sex outside your relationship isn’t okay, unless you have an open relationship arrangement. Cheating doesn’t make you hotter. Cheating is not a mistake, but a choice. Your underwear doesn’t drop and then you mount someone accidentally. If you want to cheat on your partner because you feel that you aren’t sexually satisfied, you better talk about it. Chances are, if you aren’t fucked as much as you wish to be fucked early on in the relationship, your sex life won’t improve unless you change something about it.
  3. For the young adults and some clueless adults, lust isn’t love. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, you ought to know that a person who loves you is different from a person who wants to get in your pants. If you feel that they are forcing you to do things you aren’t comfortable doing, follow your instinct and don’t be a pushover. When they start being pushy about it and you say no, they’re going to guilt trip you. That’s not a sign of a healthy relationship. Keep in mind that you can always say no. If they can’t respect your NO, they don’t deserve your YES.
  4. You can always say NO.


For the people who value their virginity, protect your virginity from those who want to take advantage of you. However don’t rub it on people’s faces. Being a virgin doesn’t always make you a moral person if your choices and actions are immoral. If you believe in sex after marriage and you wish to positively influence others, then that’s a great thing to do. But forcing those beliefs, to the point that you’re insulting and offending, doesn’t make you the better person than the people you’re dissing. No one is stopping you from doing what you think is right, but who are you to tell a person what they can and can’t do with their bodies.


We are all given individual bodies. It is up to us to take responsibility for what we think is best. Respect others’ decisions in their sex lives and respect your body, too. Society views enjoying sex as immoral and being a virgin is old-fashioned. Don’t feel sorry. Nothing’s good enough for society anyway.

// Weather Advisory is a segment dedicated for people who feel under the weather //